It is a 2nd place trophy in the State of AZ football championship!!!!
Yes, they lost on a much better Tucson team. Not a bad trophy for second place, eh?
Just when life was seemingly back to normal......we find out today that our team was offered the ONE wildcard slot for Nationals. ONE wildcard in the entire country. Could we turn it down? Of course not.
Off to Florida we go. Flights are booked and plans are being made. After today, I know who my good friends are ~~~ the ones who promised to visit me in the looney bin after I get committed.
As an equal opportunity parent, kudos also go out to my youngest son (who turned 3 in August) for his ability to say goodbye to his night-time companion:
Yesssssssssssirrrrrrrrrrrreeeee.....we are out of pull ups at night! He told me tonight that he has plans to "pack them all up" and take them to his baby cousin (who is 18 months old). My baby is growing up.
So overall....a productive few days since my last post.
Me? Oh yes.........just a 3 mile run on Monday evening at a pokey-pace. I don't have plans to run again until Thanksgiving morning, where I will conduct my own Turkey Trot (sorry, Pat...can't make the one in Mesa afterall) and hope to get in another good 5 miles. Then a 10 miler on Saturday with the TRC should top off my week. WOWZA...that would mean 23 mile week! SWEEEEEEEEEEET!
And if I don't make it back here before then...
Have yourselves a great ol' TURKEY DAY!
Yippee for milestones!! Great job still getting the run in too. Me, not so much.
All around great things happening at the Pokey house.
Have fun at Nationals.
CONGRATS!!! Wow look at that!!! ;D ;D
Congrats to your boy! That is awesome, and have a great Turkey Day!!
Just remember, I get the top bunk of our shared cell at the looney bin.
You rawk, D rawks, T rawks. Don't know where that leaves R . . . oh yah, he rawks too. ;o)
You are going to have so much fun in Florida! Maybe the little man can talk to my little one about the pull-ups. She'll be 4 in January and I swear will be in them until she's at least 12 :P
Have a great holiday!
congrats on all fronts!!!
WHOA Momma!! Good news all around!!! YAY!!!
See ya Saturday girl!
congrats on the trip to FLA. Hope they do well.
congrats on not having to buy pull ups anymore. before he knows it, he'll be buyind depends for his geriatric parents.
not sure if I am going to do the Mesa Turkey Trot either. depends on my leg.
See ya Saturday, if my leg is up to it.
Lots of great milestones! Yay!!!
Hope you're having a great turkey day. The race this morning was great, missed ya.
With all that cool stuff going on, did you notice it was Thanksgiving yesterday? Hope you had a great one, wherever you were.
Hey you, my emails to you keep bouncing...
Here is a link to that story I told you about (Wes had it on his blog a week or so ago):
I forgot that I have to get four moles removed on Wednesday (shhh...I am telling people I am getting botox) so hopefully I can still run fine on Saturday. If so I vote for 6 am...10 miles.
Thanks again was a great run!
That is great!
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