It just reaffirms for me what I already knew ~ I am totally capable of eating healthy and being responsible ~ just most of the time I choose not to. Okay….I am so done with that.
I’ve gone back to the Weight Watchers program (not the meetings, just the program) and have been counting points religiously. In addition, the plan for the coming weeks includes the following focus areas:
- Water ~ like, LOTS of it. I’m back on track with keeping myself adequately hydrated for weight loss. The phrase that runs through my mind is all about “flushing out the fat.” Gross ~ but highly effective thinking ;)
- Calorie control ~ via the Weight Watchers system. I don’t need to attend meetings to know how I should be eating. I know what I need to do ~ and am doing it.
- Higher protein and lower carb intake ~ this has worked well for me in the past. Protein is always a good thing when I start to plateau in my weight loss, so that along with the fact that I need protein for muscle strength while training, makes it a perfect goal.
Wanna meet my newest friend?
I LOVE this stuff. I tried it on a couple occasions in the past after a long run, but now I try and squeeze one a day into my diet. Only 30 calories and 5 g of protein ~ plus some hydration benefit.
I also have added this (see below) into my regimen as a late afternoon snack, instead of other crap I had been eating. They are higher calorie (3 WW points) at 190 calories….but with 15g of protein. Such a deal.
And finally, there is carb control. Based on some advice stolen from Lisa’s doctor, along with what I already know about my body, I am working on cutting out bread. Maybe not entirely ~ I love my 5-point Subway 6 inch sandwich just a bit too much ~ but I have definitely cut back. I’m also only allowing myself the whole wheat pasta when I decide to indulge in that carb-festival. Pretty easy changes to make overall ~ with a ton of potential benefit.
I already feel better, just by the mere sake of eating better. It makes me wonder why I always let myself slide back into the rut of crap eating again….. the goal is to not let that happen again :)
Happy Friday everyone!
Way to kick it off hot and fast :-) Keep up the good work and have a great weekend!!!
Congrats on the weight loss. Keep it up. I'll have to try those slim fast shakes. 15g of protein more than most I've seen.
Nice start!! Great job.
Good for you, Poke. Always great to see the results of a new found eating plan.
I'm soooo excited for you! Congrats on the great plan for losing, and on your weight loss already!
I've been wanting to try that protein water. Now I'm going to look for the shakes, too. Didn't know they came in an "extra protein" formula.
I fell off the wagon today and ate two donuts. :( Don't know why I can't always stick to what I know I should eat, either.
Keep up the good work!
Awesome Pokey! The weight loss really isn't rocket science, but I always seem to complicate the issue. WW is great and really gets you to focus on the good stuff. Keep it up. Maybe you will motivate me to get back in gear on the eating.
WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!
Great plan. Cutting back the carbs is totally essential to weight loss. When I was on LA Weight Loss's plan, I only got 3 servings of carbs a day. I think that made such a huge difference in my success. Most of us can't lose weight when the majority of your calories come from carbs. Proteins, veggies, fruits, water--the keys to success.
You'll rock out this weight loss, I'm sure of it!
WOO HOOO! That is wonderful! Doing great... I do te WeWa online i think I would freak if I went to a real meeting. LOL!
Way to go. You'll be at your goal in no time!
2.4! Sweet!!! && that Special K water is good?
That's fantastic!!! digits down is, no matter what it is is progress! I too, am on a quest to drop weight and am doing pretty well so far.
You'll be at your goal in no time!
Wow!! you are a motivation inteh works. I went to the meat & produce stores for lunch & loaded up on banana's, TONS of veggies, healthy lunch meat, whole grain 1/2 wraps to make my lunch.
I'm may go get some of those slimfast or Kellog drinks.. . . . .I knwo I need the protien & A girl can only eat so much peanut butter (Chicken is once a week, unless I cook seperate for me, as noone in those house will eat it (unless its battered)
I need to lose 30lbs & I have to believe this will help with my runining, as I'd be carrying less!, right????
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